- 2010-6-29 16:00-
- Nanoimaging Seminar: Prof. David K. Ferry (Arizona State University, USA) will give a lecture titled "Quantum Dots: Probing the Quantum-Classical Transition with Scanning Gate Microscopy (Abstract PDF (password required))
(Multimedia Lecture Room, Bldg. #2, Graduate School of Natural Sciecne)-
- 2010-4-23 16:30-
- Nanoimaging Seminar: Dr. Christian Schafer (National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, Japan) gave a lecture titled "Research on Satellite Communications and Laser Applications in Space at the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology" (Abstract PDF (password required))
- 2010-4-16 10:30-12:00
- Nanoimaging Seminar: Prof. M. Ronnier Luo (University of Leeds, UK) gave a lecture titled "Holy Grail of Colour Appearance Research" (Abstract PDF (password required))
- 2010-2-15 17:00-18:30
- 3rd Discussion Meeting on Reseaches by Doctoral Candidates 2009
- 2010-01-26 16:00-
- Nanoimaging Seminar: Prof. Masahide Itoh (University of Tsukuba) gave a lecture titled "Analysis of Electro-Magnetic Field by Boundary Element Method"
- 2010-01-26 10:30-
- Nanoimaging Seminar: Dr. Jia-Ling Pu (Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication) gave a lecture titled "Laser Imaging Material and Its Application in CTP Plate"
- 12/4/2009 14:00-
- Prof. Omatsu introduced the Program at "Meeting of Support Program for Improving Graduate School Education at Chiba University" (one of 60th anniversary events of the University).
- 11/27/2009 10:00-
- Nanoimaging Seminar: Prof. Y. F. Chen (National Chiao Tung University) gave a lecture titled "Generation of Structured Light" (Abstract PDF (password required))
- 11/17/2009 16:00-18:00
- 2nd Discussion Meeting on Reseaches by Doctoral Candidates 2009
- 2009-11-13
13:30 17:00-
- Nanoimaging Seminar: Dr. Andrew Lee (Macquarie University, Australia) gave a lecture titled "Design and Development of Multi-Watt Self-Raman Lasers for Ophthalmic Applications" (Abstract PDF (password required)).
- 10/22009 16:30-17:30
- Nanoimaging Seminar: Dr. Cheikh Ndiaye (Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University) gave a lecture titled "Frequency-shifted Feedback Lasers and Their Applications" (Abstract PDF (password required)).
- 10/02/2009
- Venture Support Competition 2010 was announced.
- 10/2009 - 02/2010
- Advanced Lectures on Nano Imaging (for both master's and doctor's course)
4th period on Monday (biweekly generally), in Room 7-227. Contact person: Prof. T. Omatsu. Also see here. The schedule was updated on Sep. 14.
- 08/08/2009
13:30 15:00-
- Nano Imaging Seminar: Prof. Dr. Gion Calzaferri (University of Berne) gave a lecture titled "Nanochannels for Supramolecular Organizaition of Photoactive Guests" (Abstract PDF (password required))
- 07/29/2009 13:00-
- Nano Imaging Seminar: Dr. James A. Ferwerda (Rochester Institute of Technology) will give a lecture titled "Envisioning the Material World" (Abstract PDF (password required))
- 07/23/2009
10:30-12:00 16:00-18:00
- 1st Discussion Meeting on Reseaches by Doctoral Candidates 2009
- 07/09/2009 13:30-
- Nano Imaging Seminar: Prof. Jonathan P. Bird (University at Buffalo, The State University of New York) gave a lecture titled "Terahertz Response of Semiconductor Nanostructures" (Abstract PDF (password required))
- 06/25/2009 13:30-14:30
- Nano Imaging Seminar: Dr. Yingliang Liu (Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo, Japan) gave a lecture titled "Synthesis and Characterization of Phenothiazine-based Optoelectronic Materials for Polymer Light-Emitting Diodes and Organic Photorefractive Glass"
- 05/26/2009 13:00-15:00
- Nano Imaging Seminar: Prof. Judith M. Dawes (Macquarie University, Australia) gave a lecture titled "Microwave Generation in Nd:YAG Ceramic Lasers" (Abstract PDF (password required))
- 03/30/2009 14:00-16:15
- Nano Imaging Seminar: Prof. Kishan Dholakia (SUPA, School of Physics and Astronomy, University of St. Andrews, UK) gave a lecture titled "Light Takes Shape: Novel Photonics for the Colloidal and Biomedical Sciences"
- 03/16/2009 14:00-16:15
- Nano Imaging Seminar: Dr. Yoichi Miyahara (Dept. of Physics, McGill University, Canada) will give a lecture titled "Coulomb-blockade Spectroscopy on Single Self-assembled InAs Quantum Dots by Force Detection"
- 03/09/2009 14:00-16:15
- Nano Imaging Seminar: Prof. Dr. Kwon-Taek Lim (Pukyong National University, Korea) gave lectures titled "Self Assembly of Semifluorinated Blockcopolymers in Solution and Their Use for the Ordering of Nanometalic Hybrid Thin Films", and "Novel Techniques for the Preparation of Silica Hollow Particles and Monodispersed Silica-Polystyrene Core-Shell Nanoparticles using Polymerization Methods".
- 2009-03-03 - 05
- Prof. Norihisa Kobayashi visited Pukyong National University, Korea, and introduced this Program. He also gave a seminar titled "Novel Imaging with Oraganic Advanced Nanomaterials" to about fifty students of Division of Image and Information Engineering of the University.
- 02/19-22/2009
- Prof. Omatsu, Dr. Shiina, and the Expert course canditates, Mr. Nawata and Mr. Watanabe, visited Prof. W. B. Chen at Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics of Chinese Academy of Science.
- 01/13/2009
- Prof. Omatsu introduced the Program at Forum for Improving Graduate School Eduation (at Pacifico Yokohama).
- 01/09/2009
- Prof. Omatsu introduced the Program at 3rd Forum for Exchanging Information and Imaging Technologies between Industries and the University organized by Faculty of Information and Image Sciences (Keyaki Hall, Chiba University).
- 01/01/2009
- A Happy New Year! 2009
- 09/01/2008
- The Program started!