津田研究室について- About Tsuda Laboratory -


At Tsuda Laboratory, we conduct researches based on liquid salts (ionic liquids/molten salts) composed only of ions, electrochemistry, and material science, and are working on the development of various energy materials, energy storage devices, resource recycling, and analytical techniques that can contribute to the achievement of the SDGs.

津田からのメッセージ(Message from Tsuda)


I try to keep the rules in the laboratory to the bare minimum and provide research guidance that respects individual autonomy as much as possible. Therefore, lab life in our lab may be tough for those who cannot promote self-discipline and proceed with their research in a planned manner. However, for those who can do that, I believe Tsuda Laboratory is a comfortable environment where they can experience their growth.

理論、理想(低コスト、低環境負荷)、アイデアを巧みに組み合わせて、私達と一緒に面白い研究をしつつ、研究室での生活を通じて、自らの成長を実感してみませんか? 自らを成長させたいという強い思いがあれば、きっとそれは叶うはずです。

為せば成る 為さねば成らぬ 何事も 
成らぬは人の 為さぬなりけり    

Why don’t you realize your own growth through living in the laboratory while doing interesting research with us by skillfully combining theories, ideals (low cost, low environmental impact) and ideas? If you have a strong desire to grow yourself, it should come true.

Nasebanaru Nasanebanaranu Nanigotomo
Naranuwahitono Nasanunarikeri
UESUGI, Yōzan (Yonezawa domain 9th lord)

【現在の研究テーマ(Current Research Topics)

  • アルミニウム金属負極二次電池(Aluminum metal negative electrode secondary battery)
  • アルミニウムハイアップグレードリサイクル(Aluminum high-upgrade recycling)
  • アルミニウム合金電析による表面処理(Surface Finishing by aluminum alloy electrodeposition)
  • イオン液体を用いた高機能電極触媒(Highly functional electrode catalyst using ionic liquid)
  • 電気化学反応のその場観察(In situ/operando observation of electrochemical reactions)
  • イオン液体処理による木材への機能性付与(Addition of functionality to wood by ionic liquid treatment) ※ 研究代表者は九州大学大学院 農学研究院 阪上宏樹先生です。(*The principal investigator is Professor Hiroki Sakagami, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyushu University.)

【研究室のある場所について(About the location of our laboratory)】

我々の研究室は、東京駅から40 km程度離れた千葉大学西千葉キャンパスにあり、都内にある観光名所や幕張メッセがある海浜幕張エリアなどへのアクセスが良好です。マリンスポーツを楽しむなら、稲毛海浜公園はもちろん、外房、内房エリアの海へ行くことも容易です。ライブやサッカー、野球、バスケットボールなど、数々のエンターテインメントが千葉市内で毎週のように開催されています。もちろん、ショッピングも楽しむことができます。勉強や研究に疲れたときに、簡単に気分転換できる環境だと思います。

Our laboratory is located on the Nishi-Chiba Campus of Chiba University, about 40 km (25 mi) away from Tokyo Station, and has good access to sightseeing spots in Tokyo and the Kaihin Makuhari area, where Makuhari Messe is located. If you enjoy marine sports, you can easily go to the sea in the Sotobo and Uchibo areas as well as Inage Seaside Park. Various entertainment such as live performances, soccer, baseball, and basketball are held almost every week in Chiba City. Of course, you can also enjoy shopping. I think it’s an environment where you can easily change your mind when you’re tired of studying and research.